Bio-identical hormones

Improve Your Quality of Life with Bio-Identical Hormones Near Phoenix, AZ

Bio-identical hormones

Under normal circumstances, your body should be able to create and maintain proper hormone levels. However, when you develop a glandular condition or hormonal imbalance, you may need to use certain treatments that contain hormones in them. Scientists have developed products that contain bio-identical hormones to take the place of those that your own body can no longer produce on its own. Learn what bio-identical hormones are and for what reasons patients in the Phoenix area may need to take them today.

Bio-Identical Hormones Overview

Bio-identical hormones are hormones that are identical in every way to those produced naturally by the human body. These hormones contain the same chemical makeup and perform the same role as organic hormones. They also are safe to use and pose few, if any, side effects to your health. We may prescribe them to you if you develop hormonal imbalances and suffer from symptoms like:

• Hot flashes
• Vaginal dryness
• Mood swings or low mood
• Irritability or extreme anger
• Inability to obtain or maintain an erection
• Loss of libido
• Brittle bones
• Menopausal or andropausal weight gain

Bio-identical hormones can only be prescribed and are not for sale over-the-counter. While you are taking them, you must remain under the close observation and care of our team near Phoenix.

Bio-Identical Hormone Administration

Bio-identical hormones can be introduced into the body in different ways, depending on the situation. Ultimately, our specialist near Phoenix will determine the best form of administration for your unique wants and needs. Bio-identical hormones can help you feel more like yourself again and encourage the production of natural hormones in your body. As you can imagine, this can significantly improve your quality of life overall.

Set Up a Consultation Today

If you believe that bio-identical hormones could work for you, make an appointment with our experts at Envoque MD to find out for sure. We will evaluate your case and determine if hormone therapy can improve your symptoms. We have offices in Mesa and Scottsdale, and we happily serve men and women in Phoenix and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more information about bio-identical hormones!

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9700 N 91st St, Ste A-115
Arizona 85258
Tel: 480-535-8488

1423 S. Higley Suite #122
Arizona 85206
Tel: 480-535-6465

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