
Reasons to Visit Our Weight Loss Clinic in Scottsdale

You finally made the decision that you’re going to lose weight. You played around with this idea for a long time, but now you are committed to making it happen. This is good. Simply losing 10 percent of your body weight…

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low testosterone and belly fat

Low Testosterone and Belly Fat: What’s the Correlation?

You don’t know what is going on with your body. You have always been in great shape. You are fit, you make a point of being active every day, and you watch what you put in your body. It’s worked for…

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Hormonal therapy for men

When to Consider Hormonal Therapy for Men

You’re a guy. Guys tough it out when it comes to their health. You’re not complaining. You don’t have to run to the doctor for every little thing. However, you do need to pay attention when there are changes in your…

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weight loss

Achieve Results with Medical Weight Loss in AZ

  Most people in AZ and elsewhere would agree that being overweight is not ideal. It is not something that most people actually want. It is usually something that people just accept after they have tried and failed at diets. Being…

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Bio-identical hormones

Improve Your Quality of Life with Bio-Identical Hormones Near Phoenix, AZ

Under normal circumstances, your body should be able to create and maintain proper hormone levels. However, when you develop a glandular condition or hormonal imbalance, you may need to use certain treatments that contain hormones in them. Scientists have developed products…

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Medical weight loss

Lose the Weight for Good with Medical Weight Loss

When a person hears the term medical weight loss, they either think about losing weight via surgery or they think about weight loss that comes from taking prescription pills. And while those two options might work for some, this is not…

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thyroid treatment in Arizona

Thyroid Treatment in Arizona

Hypothyroidism, also known as an under active thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, also known as an overactive thyroid, can have lasting effects on your health. That’s one of the reasons why men and women are seeking professional thyroid treatment in Arizona and elsewhere….

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low T

Low T? Consider Andropause Treatments at Envoque MD

You have been sailing through life and you are feeling good. You make sure you get your daily exercise. You eat foods that are good for you. You stay away from alcohol and cigarettes. You are doing everything you can to…

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Testosterone treatment for men

Common Reasons to Undergo Testosterone Treatment for Men

You have always been in good shape. You go to the gym every day and you watch your diet. You steer clear of bad habits. It’s worked for you until you hit middle-age. Now your body is going through changes that…

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Women and Hormones: Things to Consider

Hormones affect a number of health areas for women. As you near menopause, or the time in which your menstrual cycle begins to end, your hormones begin to shift their balance. This change can cause you some serious negative symptoms. It’s…

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9700 N 91st St, Ste A-115
Arizona 85258
Tel: 480-535-8488

1423 S. Higley Suite #122
Arizona 85206
Tel: 480-535-6465

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